Client: DAA Montenegro
Their description of the project:
“Cerovo" company is recognized for the wholesale of different construction materials and is one of the top 3 companies in Montenegro in this commercial segment. During 2017. they have introduced a different set of products - a total opposite from the current ones and updated their offer with “Cer Style” - a premium brand by Cerovo. Selling ceramics, bathroom products, and accessories, from prominent brands and designers was a difficult task at the moment since brand perception has moved only slightly from its current construction state.
As all of the products were mostly used for interior design, we have decided that a specific target audience has to be attracted in order to push sales: architects, interior designers, photographers, boutique hotel owners and other people that prefer to own valuable and authentic things in their living or working space.
In order to do this, we have presented a selected portion of products but in an unconventional way - as a piece of art, giving them a new aura, especially with the photo treatment. Also, taking into consideration that art galleries are places where the targeted audience gathers oftenly, we have organized an event (exhibition) showcasing all of the selected products as exhibits, campaign photographs and a short documentary movie with prominent architects, photographers, and designers, talking about the perception of design in Montenegro. The main idea was to emphasize the value and beauty in the design of the products, especially taking into account the fact that those products are always left behind apart its regular everyday use. The title for the exhibition was derived from this idea and soon it became the slogan of the campaign: Don’t touch art. Use it
Creative director Nikola Bâda Radonjic
Art director Helena Tošić,
Copywriter Jelena Todorović
Project lead Anja Sekulić
Photographer Đorđe Živaljević
Animator Matija Brajović